Malta and Gozo is following in the footsteps of Europe and the UK and has eased on restrictions and reopened to the public. Once again able to serve customers both indoors and outdoors.
With fewer restrictions and the summer sun emerging through the clouds, business will no doubt be booming for bars and restaurants across the country.
While it’s fantastic to see things getting back to a sense of normality after a very difficult time, it’s clear that there must be longer-term changes in the way businesses operate in order to create the safest environment possible for their customers. Hospitality businesses are recognizing this as mobile order and pay solutions and digital menus have become a hot topic within the industry. Contact free solutions are fast becoming the expected norm. Many businesses are taking the first steps to creating a contactless customer experience by offering digital menus and ordering systems.
However, the way that many of these digital services are presented to customers are often far from optimal, as we often see tatty laminated QR code print outs taped to a table without any form of guidance for customers. As more and more businesses adopt contact free solutions, they shouldn’t have to compromise on the aesthetic and branding that they worked so hard to create.

Going contactless with QR and NFC technology QR codes are regularly used to provide customers access to a venue’s digital services via their own device. However, not so many venues are taking advantage of another contactless technology, NFC or Near Field Communication. This solution allows a user to instantly access a digital service by simply tapping their smartphones to the NFC tag. This is the same technology that is used for contactless payment methods like Apple, Samsung and Google Pay, and something that many may not be aware of is that NFC tag reading technology is already present in most smartphones available today. Especially after Apples iOS 14 update, announced at WWDC 2020 last year, which added the function to every iPhone 7 and above. Offering NFC is not only an easier method for customers, but also creates a premium and tech forward experience.

Incorporating Marketing Initiatives Creating a digital customer experience by offering digital services such as mobile ordering and digital menus begs the question, why not incorporate marketing initiatives into this experience as well? Using landing pages, businesses can offer more than just digitized menus and mobile ordering systems, they’re also able to offer a wider range of digital services and marketing initiatives. Allowing customers to easily redeem special offers, discount codes, and rewards, and encourage app downloads. This has been proven to boost customer engagement as well as increase customer retention and loyalty. Scan Tap Order So, wouldn’t it be great if there was an option for businesses to deploy a smart solution that included all these features mentioned above? Well, look no further, as Aircharge+ introduces its Scan Tap Order solution. Scan Tap Order incorporates both QR and NFC technology to offer instant access to digital menus, order and pay systems, apps and other services via a fully customisable HTML landing page. This smart digital services solution is offered in a durable and aesthetically pleasing digital marker solution, with a customisable design which allows businesses to display their logo and colour scheme. This can also be combined with premium wireless charging to create the ultimate contactless experience. On top of this, businesses that choose Scan Tap Order receive monthly analytics which help them make better informed decisions on how to further improve their offerings and generate more revenue. This solution enables businesses to excel where their competitors aren’t, by offering digital services in a smarter, more tech forward way. Turning a temporary solution driven out of necessity into a permanent asset and long-term enhancement of customer experience.